Thanks to you we funded in about 6 minutes and sold out of designer badges in under four hours. That was much faster than I expected. Over the weekend all of the sponsor spots sold out.
Several more sponsors have joined us and I want to highlight one here. Bezier Games ( bought the major sponsor spot for $500.
Last year, I bought nice badges with lanyards instead of the cheaper pin on kind. That cost $1-2 per badge. This year Bezier will be providing super nice lanyard badge holders for all of the designers, industry guests, and VIP players. Its a small touch, but if I’m going to wear something for three days it feels good to have something nice.
Inexpensive badge (lower right), nice badge (upper right) and super nice Bezier lanyard (left).
Lastly I want to thank the folks who backed at the staff levels. I'm definitely going to need your help and I'm glad to have you aboard.