Designer badges are now sold out (they were limited to 40). There is no limit on player badges and they are still available. Let me explain my logic behind the designer limit and a bit of the game plan.
At Game Kastle we will have the use of two rooms:
The Dungeon (the larger room): 20-25 tables
The Arena (the smaller room): 13-15 tables
Total: 33-40 tables
Chairs on hand: 110
The Registration/Badge Table will be in the Arena for higher visibility.
One table will be devoted to raffle prizes (in the arena).
One table devoted to snacks/food.
That leaves 30-37 tables free for games.
My working theory is that not all designers will be attending every day or running games at all times. Thus, I’ve limited the designer badges to 40. That should provide enough space for everyone but it may be tight at times, especially on Saturday.
The Dungeon room at Game Kastle can hold 20-25 tables.