Good gamers play nice with others. In that spirit we are asking all attendees of Protospiel San Jose to park behind Game Kastle or off to the right side (green checks in photo below). Please DO NOT park in front of the store (red x below). Leave that parking for the people who need access to Trader Joes. If you park in back, there is a sidewalk that takes you right up to the Game Kastle entrance. Thank you!

Please park where the green checks are. Leave red X parking for Trader Joe's.

Please park where the green checks are. Leave red X parking for Trader Joe's.

Our final sponsor wants to give you the opportunity to win more free games. Visit Jordan's table to pick up a bingo card related to the prototype games on site. Fill out your bingo card and bring it back to Jordan for the chance to win additional prizes from him (this is separate from the raffle).

Jordan Nichols long time gamer with an endless passion for board games and the entrepreneurial spirit to match. He is starting Game Night a Brick and Mortar board gaming lounge, a comfortable space to play with an extensive library of only the best games with upgraded components and painted figures. Game Night will be a place for the board game community to call home, a place to meet new gamers, host and participate in events, and for designers and publishers to connect with players.

Join him in creating a new way to game and a new kind of board game community. Because everyone deserves a Game Night. For more info visit

Jordan Nichols

Jordan Nichols
